The Wellness Center at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics is specifically designed to provide our community with the most advanced, cutting edge medically supported health and wellness services available.
Located at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics’ Herndon Campus in Fresno, California, The Wellness Center at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics is dedicated to providing the San Joaquin Valley with the most cutting-edge, medically supported health and wellness services available.
The Wellness Center was started by Dr. Michele Schulz, who has spent her whole career focused on helping people thrive in active lifestyles and feel better and stronger. Through her leadership, Sierra Pacific Orthopedics instituted The Wellness Center out of a commitment to providing expert patient care for the whole person, beyond their injury or condition. That commitment continues today, and our team is here to help you take control of your health right now.
Your Wellness Services
The Wellness Center at Sierra Pacific Orthopedics proudly offers advanced solutions to aid patients in weight loss as well as non-invasive treatments for strengthening and toning the body.
Medically supported weight loss with LeanMD
Muscle and body sculpting with EMSCULPT NEO
Urinary incontinence support with EMSELLA
Cellulite reduction with EMTONE
Herndon Campus
1630 East Herndon Avenue
Fresno, CA 93720
Your Wellness Team
Our team at The Wellness Center is your team. Our specialized providers, massage therapists, and staff are dedicated to your overall health, strength, and wellness. Led by Dr. Schulz, your entire team from The Wellness Center will work together with you to encourage and assist you in living better.
Ready to take your health and fitness to the next level? Dr. Schulz and our Wellness Center team are here to help. Call (559) 256-5312 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Schulz and take control of your health.